More than just sustainability

More than just sustainability
ESG: The impact on corporate governance and reporting


ESG – Environmental Social Governance – is a buzzword that currently concerns companies in a wide range of industries. For companies, corporations and organizations it means much more than "just" implementing a few environmental protection guidelines. ESG not only affects numerous aspects and areas within the companies themselves, but also along their entire supply and value chains. Developments that will also permanently change the processes surrounding reporting by organizations.


As part of a webcast, CCH® Tagetik, together with experts from KPMG, ifb and 4C Group, examined what impact ESG will have on corporate governance and reporting and what conclusions should be drawn from it.


Our white paper "ESG - Much more than just sustainability - Impact on corporate management and reporting" summarizes the most important findings and, in addition to an outlook, also offers you concrete recommendations for action for your company.