Siemens SW Natilus Case Study

Natilus Case Study: Reducing the cost of airfreight with innovative design

One of the exciting parts of working with startup companies is encountering founders who start with an idea, gather a group of like-minded, passionate individuals, and then despite remarkable odds, make their vision come true. 

Natilus is a company that produces autonomous cargo aircraft, aiming to revolutionize the global air freight business. Co-founder Aleksey Matyushev participated in an earlier Siemens Pioneers podcast posted back in January of 2021, and now we’ve invited him back to discuss all the exciting changes at Natilus over the last two years.

In this episode, he shares the company’s journey towards commercial success. We learn about Natilus’ growth in personnel, the expansion of their physical facilities, and their progress in building a full-scale prototype. Aleksey also discusses the challenges they’ve faced, including the pilot shortage and supply chain issues, and how they’ve navigated them to come out on top. He highlights the importance of technology, efficient team structures, and partnerships with key suppliers in overcoming these challenges. The conversation also touches upon Natilus’ plans, potential product expansions, and the significance of sustainability as Natilus scales.