TAC_900.067_GBL_EBK_ IT OT Integration

The Future Unlocked: Integrating IT and OT in Battery Cell Manufacturing

Battery manufacturers are experiencing a surge in market growth, driven by the rising demand for electric vehicles (EVs), increased needs for energy storage, and global government incentives for battery production. McKinsey forecasts that the global demand for Li-ion batteries will dramatically rise, reaching around 4.7 TWh by 2030.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of battery cell manufacturing, the integration of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) has become more than a mere enhancement – it's an absolute must. This integration is pivotal in addressing the critical needs of scalability, quality, and process stability in battery cell production lines.

With the critical role of IT and OT integration established, complete the form to explore the emerging trends that are shaping the future of the battery cell manufacturing industry.