The Economic Advantages of Google Cloud BigQuery Versus Alternative Cloud-based EDW Solutions

The Economic Advantages of Google Cloud BigQuery Versus Alternative Cloud-based EDW Solutions

A Truly Serverless Cloud-based EDW That Delivers Operational Simplicity, Unmatched Scalability and Flexibility, and Cost Savings of Up to 54% Over Alternative Cloud-based EDWss

Traditional data analytics and AI solutions require a significant upfront investment, ongoing maintenance of hardware and software, and manual provisioning to match compute and storage resources with demand. They lack the ability to optimally scale to accommodate changing needs, leaving organizations surprised with unanticipated fluctuations in their bills.

Google Cloud’s BigQuery serverless data analytics and AI platform scales efficiently and does away with all that extra work, helping businesses focus on what matters most: getting value from their data.

Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), which examined the economic value propositions of Google Cloud BigQuery and alternative data solutions, reports that BigQuery enables organizations to:

  • Save up to 52% on your data & AI platform costs over a three-year period
  • Achieve a faster time to value by getting up and running quickly
  • Save significantly with flexible pricing and granular autoscaling of compute
  • Reduce migration costs with free automated tools
  • Eliminate maintenance tasks so teams can spend more time gaining insights

Download the complete report to learn more.