How 3 companies saved money by adopting cloud with AWS

3 ways to drive operational efficiency and lower costs with AWS


AWS provides cloud-based infrastructure, tools, and services that let companies of all sizes operate more securely, effectively, and affordably. Businesses that adopt the cloud with AWS save time and money by reducing the provisioning, maintenance, and updating that on-premises equipment requires. AWS’s cloud-based tools also are typically more reliable and scalable than traditional physical hardware and software, with enhanced security, enabling higher uptime and robust backup capabilities. 

Businesses that have migrated to the cloud with AWS report:

  • 51% lower cost of operations
  • 62% more efficient IT infrastructure staff
  • 94% less unplanned downtime
  • 25% higher developer productivity

Download our eBook to see three real-world examples of how the cloud is delivering operational efficiency and lowering costs for small and medium-sized businesses.