The cloud conundrum: The enterprise guide on how to control costs and maximize your strategy

The cloud conundrum: The enterprise guide on how to control costs and maximize your strategy

With cloud adoption quickly becoming the norm, enterprises are faced with increasing complexity around how they manage and optimize cloud spend across their global landscape. Are your cloud costs under control?


As businesses adopt multiple vendors to meet various needs, the complexity of managing these various platforms grows. This complication can lead to hidden costs and risks, which can have an impact on business operations and the bottom line.


The latest guide from InterCloud looks at the key considerations IT, Network and Cloud leaders need to follow in order to evaluate the true costs of their cloud operations and understand the key steps to take to be able to take back control and capture the full value of their cloud strategy.


From the considerations required to optimize in-house resource, to gaining clarity on the business impact of hidden direct costs, to understanding the true cost of your migrations and more. Download this report to understand:

  •  How cloud costs go off the rails and the steps you can take to manage them
  •  Five key areas you can focus on to manage your costs and improve performance
  •  How a centralized cloud management platform can deliver transparency and efficiency
  •  The top questions to consider when evaluating a managed cloud provider for your business.