Five steps to accelerate member acquisition for airline loyalty programs

Five steps to accelerate member acquisition for airline loyalty programs


Loyalty programs acquired superstar status during the pandemic, with many airlines selling miles to secure lifeline funding and alternative revenue streams. Ultimately, the objective is to acquire new members and steer them to the scheme´s everyday earn opportunities through the airline’s co-branded credit card or partner network.

Yet, data suggests that only 20%-30% of an airline’s unique flying customers are program members of that carrier´s loyalty scheme. And this is a huge marketing opportunity. A flying audience is a prime target for new member acquisition, at no other time will they be so exposed to an airline´s marketing channels. Even so, airlines often fail to take advantage of the opportunity. And it´s usually due to the wrong mindset.

The more members a loyalty scheme has, the higher the revenue and engagement potential for airlines and their partner networks. Five essential steps await you in this eBook to convert your flying customers into loyalty program members