Deploying next-generation airline loyalty programs

Deploying next-generation airline loyalty programs


For loyalty leaders, there´s little worse than coming up with a great idea that will add value to program members and generate revenues for the airline and its partners, only to find out that their technology infrastructure won´t support it. This is a problem many airline loyalty leaders face, including one of the authors of this white paper in a former role at a leading airline. Legacy technology architectures, whether in-house or from vendors, are often the root cause of these frustrations. Sometimes, loyalty leaders don´t even realize this. The rigidity of monolithic systems translates into costly and time-consuming customization projects that take an army of IT experts to deliver.

This white paper explores how highly configurable loyalty platforms, developed on modern cloud architectures, drive program innovation, fast time to market, deeper member engagement, business and revenue growth, agile partner integration, and operational cost-efficiencies. It´s time to stop saying no to innovation in loyalty and start saying yes.

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